Sunday, August 21, 2016

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  1. QOTD

    Are you free?

    I feel like your as free as you make yourself. By law your free to speak your mind, your free to choose you own religion and so on. Your as free as you want, but i feel like some rules and regulations cripple are freedom. It's on us as humans to discern which rules we can bend or break to truly gain ultimate freedom.

    -K'Jon Coley

  2. are you free?

    well i feel like in America you are free,but elsewhere you may not be free to do the things that you can accomplish in America.You are free to do anything,succeed in life by staying focus no matter your circumstances,or failing never take responsibility for you actions never master consistency.your free to be the most hated or the most loved,its your choice in life things aren't are free but the American dream forces you to be something of your one makes you want it.the people before us shows us that working hard,marrying,creating a family,and having nice things represents that we are free.

  3. QOTD: Are We Free?
    America as a nation is free. Free from being told what to think, when to think, and how to think it. We are free in our adolescent years to go to school with no cost. We are free to decide what we want to do with our lives. We make our own decisions without them being made for us by our superiors. Most people can't even have the job they desire in foreign countries because they are either too poor, uneducated, or completely denied their wishes by the government that rules them. We are what we choose to be. That is why we are free.
    - Wade Turner

  4. In America are we free? America is a free nation for the most part. However, many things such as government surveillance and many other stipulations against Americans tends to fringe on our freedom. Without that being said we do have many more freedoms than other countries. Furthermore I will aprpreciate what we do have instead of what we are lacking.

  5. In America are we free?
    I do not believe everyone is free in America. This upcomming election proves my theory greatly. America has put a man up for election that has flat out said he dosent support certain ethnicities and want to get rid of others. Also in most communties every ethnicity isnt being treated fairly and its 2016. Living in Virginia Beach and with our new generaion social networks ive seen mutiple times a caucasian male getting in trouble for something then an african american doing the same crime and getting a 100% worse sentence then the other.

  6. Are you free?

    I feel like we arnt as free as we think we are. With the government and surveillance always watching us we are set to certain boundaries. We can only be as free as we make ourselves. We have or own free will, but even some people wont use that. I personally think im free because i dont let them decide what i do or not do. It depends on the person really. But in this country as a whole, i dont think we are free because we are always being watched.

  7. Are we free?

    In America we are raised to believe that we are a free people and that freedom has no limits because of our democracy. This freedom however, is only as unlimited as we choose to believe. For instance, we are led to believe that all Americans are free thinkers. This is only true until our thought processes are molded by things in society such as the media. In short, freedom is really just a state of mind no matter your situation.

  8. Are we free?

    That is a question that has been asked by many, with the answer being simple. We are free until we begin to infringe on the freedom of others, however that be. It seem that this concept is the hardest for people to understand, you can swear and curse and so on in your own house, that's your freedom of speech. But once you go out I public and start being a disruption then it starts to push on others freedoms. Yes we are free but just like with everything that is good for the individual there are limitation. An example being driving you car, yes you can drive if you have received your license but that doesn't mean you can ignore stop lights and traffic laws. Law a meant to keep people free which sounds weird due to when you break them your freedoms become restricted. But restricting others freedoms for breaking the law makes it able for others peoples not to be by the negligence of one person,

  9. Are you free?

    So, tell me. Are you really free? Many claim that with all the government requires us to do such as filing taxes, having medical/car insurance, particular immunizations to be able to enter into school, etc. that we don’t really have the freedom to do as we want. Although this may be true, these rules and guidelines were created to keep a social order and to keep us safe in our communities. Even with government surveillance on the American people, I still believe that our freedom still exists as our founding fathers wanted. Yes, the thought of our government watching us and invading our privacy makes some uneasy, but imagine all the terrorist or other criminal acts prevented through this. As long as they do ONLY this, I see no real issue with it. In other words, I believe we are free, but this freedom does have its limits.

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  11. Are you free?

    Freedom is something that every person will see differently. As for some people they see freedom as safety, know that when they go to bed at night they will not be killed while they are sleeping because the government has out lawed guns. While on the other had people see freedom differently. They see freedom as government letting the people to do as they please instead of being made to be safe. This can be seen in one of Benjamin Franklin's quotes, "Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither." If we are letting the government decide what is safe for us are we truly a free people.

  12. Are we free?

    I do not believe we are free. Well, in some cases we are but only to a certain extent. We do not have the power to do as we please without keeping the law in mind. Also we are forced to do things by the government that we don't like to do. Some people would rather not have health insurance or fill out taxes but we are made to do both. Now there is controversy over gun control. Many will argue that if we were really free then it wouldn't matter if we refused to give up firearms. So to wrap up, I find it very hard to answer this question because being free is a matter of opinion.

  13. Are we free?

    In society at least in America we are perceived as being "free" however is that actually the case? In my opinion we are not free if we were to be free than we would be able to do anything that we ever desired to do but we cannot do that. In this country most of our lives we are basically in the governments hands because they control most things in the country. They can control prices on items and even our security because they are the ones who are making and enforcing the rules. We are free to do things like go to the school we want have the job we want and some people think that in order to be free it should be given however that isn't true. For the most part we are not free because the government and society shapes us into what they want us to be so in that sense we lose the "free" spirit.

  14. Seneca the younger

    I feel as if Seneca the Younger is trying to spread the word of what good studying the liberal arts may do for a young mind. However, he appears to be very opinionated and almost disgusted with the way that some things in the world have come about. He seems to mock people who are a professional at something and yet they do not truly know what their profession is for. He sums up his message for me in letter 20, sentence 4. He answers the question of “Why, then, do we educate our children in the liberal arts?” with this “it is not because they can bestow virtue, but because they prepare the soul for the reception of virtue.” Life is one big challenge and I think he is just trying to say that the liberal arts can better prepare us for the continuous challenge that all of us face ahead.

  15. Seneca and his Stance

    In reading this article, I take that Seneca is perturbed with the way that education has morphed into something invaluable to society. He argues that a Liberal Arts education should be something that frees the spirit and enriches the soul. Education should allow for growth as a person instead of wasting one's time and money. Seneca mentions that he can "deem no study good, which results in money-making." With this, Seneca leaves us with the burning question of the worth of our so-called higher education.

  16. The meaning of "liberal" arts

    In the article on The Washington Post, Strauss speaks on the broad interpretations of the meaning of the word "liberal" in liberal arts. She validates clearly that most people have their own idea of what the word itself means while it is actually very cut-and-dry. I myself am in agreement with Strauss in saying that a liberal arts education is that of which one can become a free-thinker and enrich themselves far beyond the common curriculum. This argument plays into the last in that both authors are advocating for the importance and recognition of the liberal arts as a vital key to a balanced society. The liberal arts allow for a well-informed community of people in a way that will not diminish with time.

  17. Seneca the Younger

    After reading his article, I can only conclude that Seneca is questioning the meaning of a liberal arts education. Although there are many who specialize in one particular subject or field, I think Seneca was trying to stress that we should enrich ourselves in multiple areas of study to increase our capacity to learn rather than devoting most of our time and effort to just one.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The meaning of a "Liberal Arts" education.

    In an article by The Washington Post, the meaning and importance of the liberal arts is discussed. Many in today's society find it to be a useless area of study and that it should be defunded. I find this to be a huge mistake. Although there are those who argue that "technical training is the new path forward", it is very important to maintain an education in the liberal arts. The liberal arts encourages free-thinking and as the author says, "it refers to a curriculum designed to provide students with the knowledge and abilities to become successful, productive members of a free society."

  20. Seneca the younger

    i think seneca believes people don't look outside their education enough. i think he is trying to encourage people to dig deeper and learn more than what is just on the surface. he says "The wise man will know what causes the reflection in a mirror; but, the mathematician can merely tell you how far the body should be from the reflection" showing the wise man is able to see more than the mathematician.

  21. Valerie Strauss

    The liberal arts should be "defunded" in the eyes of certain political groups and other people in America. In my eyes the political arts are a vital part of American history and even in this age of technological fortune their are needs for people with a liberal arts education. If all of the technology in the world suddenly became unusable and obsolete then people with said liberal arts education will be some of the most sought after people in the world. Last week the topic of "Are We Free" came up in class. In the technological sense, we are not free. We depend on technology so much it Is literally a requirement to have a cell phone in your pocket or you wont be able to go throughout the day. Being educated in the liberal arts frees us from this technology based prison. It is of the upmost importance that we are educated in the liberal arts.

  22. What Is Liberal Arts?

    When I first came to this college I didn't understand the true meaning of liberal arts. So I went and looked up the definition "Liberal Arts are academic subjects such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, and social and physical sciences as distinct from professional and technical subjects". So in short term Liberal Arts cover a broad horizon of subjects, Liberal are makes you a "jack of all trades".

  23. Seneca the Younger

    I feel like Seneca wants people to go into their education deeper, look at life in a different way. He talked a lot about different things, most of them philosophical. He questions a lot of the things that he says, and questions the liberal arts as a whole also. He questions the world, ourselves, what surrounds us. He is so vexed about the people that want us to know nothing then to learn things. All he wants and talks about is his truth.

  24. Seneca the younger

    In reading this article I believe that Seneca the younger thinks that a quality education does not just simply to teach you how to add or subtract numbers, but teaches you to think for yourself. To build upon the education you have, to educate yourself. That in the liberal arts they make you ask questions that are a lot deeper then basic mathematical skills. That it should make you look at yourself and question what makes you good or bad and whether everything about you is good or bad.

  25. “What the ‘Liberal’ in ‘Liberal Arts’ Actually Means.”

    The liberal arts are viewed at very differently by many people. In this article it explains why people might be against the liberal arts, and the main reason for that would be not know exactly what a liberal arts education is. A liberal arts education is an education that helps you to become a free thinker. To come up with ideas for yourself and to study things that will not just make yourself a better person but make everyone in society better at the same time.

  26. Valerie Strauss

    The Liberal Arts are as important as the STEM classes, and everyone should realize that. People don't usually go towards liberal arts, or maybe bash on the liberal arts because they don't actually have a full understanding of what it is. It helps you to open your mind, help you have your own thoughts and not listen to what a computer tells you what to do. The Liberal Arts are not a bad thing, they should be promoted more. It helps us to think differently, practice free thinking. The Liberal Arts shouldn't be something we stop and study, we should be encouraged more to study them.

  27. Are we free?
    In my opinion we are free as a whole country, but as you look deeper into individual freedom we are as free as the limits allows us to be. For example, the specific limit I’m talking about is the first amendment freedom of speech. The freedom of speech, for example is filled with controversy. A case in where speech has its controversy is that an employee can’t just walk into work and start yelling at their boss about what a horrible person they are, how horrible they are as a boss, how bad the company is, or how much they hate their job and think that the right to free speech is going to protect them. That workers boss, at that point, does have grounds to fire them for their use of freedom of speech. As I stated previously we are as free as the limitations we set for ourselves.

  28. The meaning of a “Liberal Arts” education.

    An article posted in the Washington Post, by Valerie Strauss, she writes about the various way Liberal Arts could be interpreted. The first thing that comes to most individuals’ minds when hearing about liberal arts is general knowledge rather than something specific. As stated in the article “technical training is the new path forward”, this is true to a certain extent however, both are very important in any education that an individual applies themselves to.

  29. The Meaning of "Liberal Arts" education

    liberal arts is a course of subjects that can all relate to each other.getting an understanding of everything so that when you graduate you become a well rounded citizen.a lot of people do end up doing what they got their degree for so liberal arts comes in and plays a role in your life.

  30. Seneca the Younger

    This article really reminded me of the ideas conveyed in the movie Dead Poets Society. The character that Robin Williams portrays (sadly, I can not recall his name) tries to convey these ideas to his young students; life is not simply about studying solely for monetary purposes. Life is is about the expansion of the mind and exploration of the unknown. To be honest, when I first heard the term "liberal arts" I was slightly disappointed (I am a conservative at heart). Thankfully, however, this version of the word comes with a nonpolitical connotation. I don't despise the liberals. I just don't understand the Robin Hood concept. Luckily, after reading this article, I am enlightened to see that this is a practice of development and improvement of how we think and act as a society.

  31. Are We Free?

    No, we are not, and before I am tried as a member of the communist party (thanks, McCarthy), let me try to explain what I mean. Freedom is the illusion that an individual is allowed to do whatever he or she wishes to do. Now, some would consider law a restriction on freedom. Although that may be true, it is necessary in means of keeping a stable society. However, with laws such as the Patriot Act, Americans give up their right to privacy, which is considered a freedom in my eyes. I'm not degrading this law although it may seem that way. In fact, I promote the use of the Patriot Act. However, we will always be under command of our government; freedom is the illusion that Americans aren't owned and controlled by government officials. Although that may be true, I am most certainly content with my life and my country.

  32. Seneca the Younger

    I appreciate how genuine seneca is in his article. I thought this quote especially was deep."But there is only one really liberal study,that which gives a man his liberty.It is the study of wisdom,and that is lofty,brave,and great souled. All other studies are puny and pueril". This quote in particular spoke to me, Wisdom truly is the one thing we need to study and explore as humans.Liberal arts is so broad why not take that extra step to gain knowledge about wisdom, Being wise and being able too discern situations is the key to success.

  33. eneca the younger

    In reading this article I believe that Seneca the younger thinks that a quality education does not just simply teach us how to give an exact number or find a simple answer. I feel as if he wants us to be critical thinkers look deeper into our work and have purposely meaning for learning. That liberal arts is not just learning but critically thinking how we came up with such an answer. I personally believe this is the overall big picture he is trying to get across to the reader.

  34. Seneca and his Stance

    As I was reading Seneca the Younger’s stance on liberal arts studies, I feel as if he is trying to show/give examples of what good studying is. I also feel like he is saying we all pursue certain specialties in education for the wrong purpose. He stated early on “I respect no study, and deem no study good, which results in money making.” In my final thoughts on this article it seems as if he wants people to help others, rather than themselves.
