Friday, December 16, 2016

"A Matter of Honor"

It should come to no surprise that honor as a very large thing at the Virginia Military Institute as the military itself holds honor the highest characteristics of it's soldiers. Drumming out a student of the VMI is the schools form of a court marshal in the military. Honor is held by many as probably the best characteristic to have as it shows what kind of person you are and can be. A person of high honor can be seen getting good jobs and getting the promotions as the are deemed trustworthy and most of the time comes with a hard working lifestyle. That's why you see it being a big thing in the military and military schools such as VMI, because how can you have a good military if you can't trust the members in it and the don't want to do what they are told.

"The Natural Condition of Man"

Man has many characteristics such as his strength, wit, and motivation. In some areas you can see that man relate to each more than other areas. In the article it says that man is most alike in the area of strength than any other place. The mind is an endless area of change, some ones frame of mind can change drastically on a daily basis for many different reasons. Being able to compare they minds of man closely is almost impossible due to the fact of it's such as vague and always changing subject.

"Comparative Politics and Comparative Method"

We compare things all the time in our lives and also in many schools assignments they have you compare stuff. Most if not all the time in school we use the comparative method as it can be related some to the scientific method in the way it is set up and used. Although we use it a lot some people believe that we should use comparative politics more to support our education. It would instead of putting people all using the same approach through a method, and take a group of people using different approaches to solve a common problem or compare stuff using the same technique.

"The Republic"

In The Republic it explains how in some forms of government they control the people almost in a slave type of incarceration. It can do this by controlling what we watch, hear, and sometimes think by altering how we see certain situations. This has been done for many years and can still be easily seen used today on the new and other media. The best way to control a group of people is to make them think in the same way as the government over them. By doing that the government can pass whatever laws they want with ease.

What the liberal in liberal arts actually means

In this article, Strauss voices her opinion on how the many different versions of the word "liberal" means. Most people have their own ideas on what this actually means. Strauss says that a liberal arts education is what can make a free-thinker and makes them far more ahead than just common curriculum. This argument has been voiced many, many times by several different people and most come to the conclusion that it is not an important thing to have in life and does not go past a regular degree. However, I agree with Strauss when I say that I think it is very important to have and gives you a lot more than just a regular education.

"Comparitive Politics and Comparitive Method"

This talks about the Comparative method and politics. Students usually do not pay attention to Comparative Politics often. It is just a very old way of analyzing and using the information to work. The Method is very much like the scientific method. This method id not a technique and is more scientific than political. The article explains how this is important to teach and expand beyond the regular curriculum that is taught in schools now.  

Honor is More About Fairness Than Trust

In this article, it talks about how trust with students and school are a major thing. However it also emphasizes the fact students are responsible to uphold the code of honor at schools. This is something the school has a big policy in. They trust students a lot but this is until the students have broken this trust. To try and prevent this from happening, the school has came up with a moral code. This is a code of honor. A pledge of honor is what it is called and students are required to write and sign this on tests and papers to ensure their word that they did not receive or give help on the assignment.

The Republic

The Republic is a book Plato wrote. This all revolves around Socrates allegory of the cave. This idea that actually cam be true in the real world. These people got trapped in a cave and could only see what was right in front of them. They believe in this because they cant see any other person. So naturally when they finally get to see another person in the cave this changes the whole game. This is meant to relate to the world today in which we all need to see and not be trapped in a cave.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

"Value of Art"

In this article it is believed that art affects the public. It effect society in two way, instrumental and intrinsic. Both of these types range from benefits in economics, health and social function. One who is involved in art, gains many artistic values. These values will effect and individuals life and how he or she lives it. Art gives a open mind to the world, and can be interpreted in several different ways.

"Value of art"

Many people do not why art is valuable. Simply reason being many individuals see art as just a drawing or a painted picture. Obviously it is much more than that, for it is beautiful creations not only on paper and different canvases, it is emotional, inspiration, and strong expressions in which the artist was feeling or experiencing.

"Political Naturalism"

In this article, it talks about Aristotle's demonstration of  how the city/states government starts out as a natural thing through a relationship. Showing how when man and woman marry it spread through the land causing an uprise in a community therefore a need for a government. The cause for all of this  because of nature, and for us to have a blentiful life, we must have order in life. Government provides that order.

Honor: Fairness and Trust

In this article, Perry addresses the fact that schools trust their students to a high degree. This trust however, is ultimately the responsibility of the student to build and uphold. With an honor code, students take it upon themselves to pledge that they will uphold with honesty, the moral code of the school. When students take this responsibility upon themselves, they take all risk upon themselves too. When a student violates the honor code, they violate themselves and their peers.

Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method

Comparative politics is something that is often overlooked by students. According to this article, it is a highly underused way of analyzing information and putting it to use. The comparative method is exactly that; a method. It is a specific approach, much like the scientific method. This method however, is not a technique. This method is more scientific than political, however it enriches the political mind. To teach the comparative method is to teach comparative politics and to enrich the student beyond the standard curriculum that is upheld today.

"A matter of Honor"

In this article, Rudy Abramson speak of the Unversity of Virgina's honor code. The honor code is basically a code all students have to follow. That code being along the lines of cheating on a test or homework, plagiarism, etc. As long as things are done honestly then there will not be a problem with the Honor Code system. This system is very affective and in this article it speaks about how even students agree with the system, and it was approved by many students during an election to ban it or keep it. I agree a 100% that this is an effective system and shows honesty. 

"About Art-What Do We Really Mean"

Depending on the person the definition of art will change just like any other idea that can support a bias. According to an individuals personality and their culture their ideas of what art is can change. In one culture art may be used solely to tell a story of a past time and record new data as it happens. In another culture it could be used to express the feelings of themselves or another. There isn't any real text book definition of art as there are too many that come from all over the world and from all kinds of people.

"Value of Art"

Art has been a way for people to express themselves for a long time, but some people try to debate that it's lost the importance it once had.  I believe that art still has its importance and forever will. Art is a way for peoples to embrace and express themselves and ideas that they have or the ideas of others. There are many different types of art to fit the many different types and personalities of people. Art also is a way of story telling and was one of the originals ways that people recorded information. Today still people use art to tell stories among people, in a lot of cases it helps tell a story between different cultures and languages.

"Power, Worth, Dignity, Honour, and Worthines"

Power comes in many forms, that which obtains necessity such as food and other resource needed to survive. That which gives the wants of man such as money and a high economic status. In both cases power is very desirable but it can change a person depending on what type comes to them. In the case of the natural resources one can become greedy and keep to many resources which can keep needs from others. When it comes to money it can control a lot of people including the own of such wealth, gaining power through these two things can change the behaviors of the people who own it. The ability to maintain honorable characteristics when given such power is sometimes a hard thing to do but those who manage to achieve it is a very valuable thing.

"Aristotle's Political Theory"

In the article it speaks of how Aristotle explains how man is and always been political. Not as in political between Democrats and Republican but as in the systematic way in which problems are solved amongst a group of people. If you look close enough and group of living things that reside together have politics in their way of life. They must work together to solve a common problem even if they don't like each other. It is just a natural thing that is in the habits of all living things in one form or another.

"Of the Natural Condition of Mankind as Concerning their Felicity and Misery"

This article is a chapter from Thomas Hobbs book  Levithan. In this article it talks about power, but not a power such as a presidential power, but as power over one another. Man has the ability to gain power in society, but these powers are things that we do not really view as a great power. Popularity is one of the many powers that was mentioned in this article. Without abusing these powers, man can work together to bring society together. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

"Why Kids Should Learn Philosphy"

In today's time, students ranging from high school to college students, only look at the big picture. Example,of this would be how much money would be made by pursing this career. Philosophy is not pushed as much as it was in recent years, and because of this, the younger generation, and generations to come, will not see the little things that matter the most.

"Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers"

In this article, Scott Samuelson talks about how liberal arts can affect someone in their careers. He is not just speaking about college student, he also is referring to the average joes of the world such as plumbers. He tells us about the feed back he gets from this former students and how they say that liberal arts has helped them so much with their career choices. This article basically says that liberal arts is not just for college students, but instead it should be something the whole world should know.

"Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers"

 Even the working class jobs need to still have knowledge of liberal arts. Liberal arts is in literally everything we do and, by the looks of it, will stay with any individual. The saying "knowledge is power" well this is the perfect example of that saying, because it teaches the basics of the human knowledge that any normal and operational member of the cultural society would need/use in everyday activities.

"Why Kids Need to Learn Philosophy"

 This generation (and more than likely the generations to come) is (will be known as) popularly known for "being the worst generation". If we were to replace the past generations political leaders with today's "internet stars" the U.S. would legit become no more. Its just an example of how bad this generation is, and the reason being is technology. Kids now a days can sit behind a computer screen with a fake username and email and type up awful, profound words or cause a tremendous amount of drama and just continue on the next day like nothing happened. The would be, in my eyes, the biggest thing this generation has that is misused.

"Study Liberal Arts-Gain Power"

 There are quite a bit of college students focus only on getting there major out of the way and that's it nothing more. These individuals have the hopes that when they find job opportunities the employers will hire them because they only have what it takes for that one job. However, that's not the case more times than not, the employers would prefer to have someone that is considers "the jack of all traits" (someone who is pretty good at everything but is not great at any one particular job) over someone who has the skill in one job and is extremely below average in all the others.

"Business and The Liberal Art"

 In the majority of colleges they speak of  "getting gen ed's out of the way because then you get to focus on your major, and that's the real important stuff." The colleges aren't giving credit where credit is due when comparing general education and specific majors. As another student said "Liberal arts college just don't like to place all of the focus on a small set of classes" which is true, but they should at least receive half the focus.

"What Every Student Should Know"

General education is a big part in what any particular student should know. However, something more specific is more applicable education. Its more like learning percent of compound interest over a fixed rate or how to pick out the best credit card for yourself by looking at apr's. It needs to be more applied and hands on knowledge for real world situations. But as a whole you not only need to know the information of interest rates, but you need to know the basics of the major subjects; math, composition, and biology. In all honesty education is extremely valuable to everybody who has the opportunity.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

"Study Liberal Arts and again power"

In this article it is discussed about how liberal arts really just do not matter anymore. Instead students see themselves striving to be the best in their major field. The article is simple, "Study Liberal Arts and again power." To be an effective leader in the students choice of study field, they must first no how to be leader. Such as making rational descions, etc. Liberal Arts education gives you all these tools to be a effective leader.

"Business and Liberal Arts"

In this article it is discussed how liberal arts education can help an individual in their jobs that's they get after college. On in particularly is someone with a business major, which just so happens to be the field is like to study. It is pointed out in the article that liberal arts helps someone in this field by giving them a sense of good judgement. Instead of just knowing everything there is to know about business, liberal arts education gives us some knowledge to help is think outside the box.

"Why Kids Need to Learn Philosophy"

Our generation and younger generations now a days are known for acting like we know everything and can rule the world. Sadly that is far, far, far from the truth because if we replaced our government now with the youth of our nation it would go down in flames. Younger generations know little to nothing about morals which is very scary because the leaders of this country are slowly stepping down and our generations are having to step up. Our generation just need to be taught that what we think is right and how stuff should be down are sometimes completely opposite of each other.

What every student should know

In Charles McGrath's article in "The New York Times," he talks about the views college students have on general education. Mainly that they are a waste of time and they didn't spend money to relearn something they did in high school. Most student believe that they should be able to start their main classes and not waste their time. However, most students do not realize that they will use these general education classes more times then none and those classes will help them be successful in their new found careers.

"Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers"

This expands upon even if you're going into what maybe considered a lower class occupation you should still gain a little knowledge in the liberal arts. Liberal arts is in everything we do and stays with you no matter what class of people you are in. It teach basic human knowledge and the small bits of knowledge that every person should know to be a functioning member of society and government. Without us being educated our government turn into more of  dictatorship as they take control and we remain unaware.

"Study Liberal Arts-Gain Power"

People think that if they can do well in their classes that focus solely on their major that when they start looking for jobs that employers will only look at those. Employers like to look at classes you take that pertain to all people and see how well you did in areas such as history and cultural diversity classes. One of the reason being they like to see the open mindedness of the person they are hiring, can the comprehend subject being taught to them about their fellow man.

"Business and The Liberal Art"

In most colleges they talk about the necessity of having the general requirements but never emphasize their importance. In liberal art college the really focus on the classes that don't pertain to our majors. have that be it doesn't mean that they ignore our majors but they give the general requirements their due also. Liberal arts college just don't like to place all of the focus on a small set of classes.

"What Every Student Should Know"

There are many sections to education that we go through when in school. The ones that we enjoy that pertain to our major for me such as Criminology and Criminal Justice since I'm an AJU major. Although we'd enjoy to take just those classes we have to take classes that the state and the college believe we should take as general requirements. Most students see these general requirements as an annoying part of college that has no use to them. In reality classes such as composition will follow you no matter what your career is you'll always have to write wherever you go. Moral of the story general requirements are valuable to our education.

jose guadalupe pasada

Matthew Medlin

Dr. Eric Smith

Freshman Seminar

Jose Guadalupe Posada

            Jose Guadalupe Posada was a great artist even though his work wasn’t acknowledged until after his death. He was known most for his engravings and printings of skeletons. He enjoyed using skeletons because it represented that all people are the same but we are made different by our cultural, finance, and racially profiles placed upon us by our own society. His calaveras are copied all throughout Mexico to represent Dia de los Muertos” which translated is “The Day of the Dead”.  Posada got his start in the art world by making political satire making fun of the dictator like leaders where he worked. He used his skeletons to portray them to show that although the held the power in the area and controlled many of the businesses that operated in the town, that they are on the same level as all the workers that they control. In a joking way he described that when we all die we all turn into the same thing, a skeleton.

            From his wide use of skeletons he gain a lot of popularity through the Mexican culture and their Day of the Dead festival that occurs every year from October 31st through November 2nd. The holiday known as the Day of the Dead you’d think that it would be a depressing event but there is laughter and celebrations. Due to the light heartedness of the festival that acknowledges the dead Posadas art fit right in with its joking mood while using symbols of death. With those fitting together so well many of Posada’s pieces can be seen adorning the street of Mexico during the Day of the Dead celebrations. Many of his works focused more on the bad things that show up in life. “Posada’s interest centered on such fantastic and unsavory aspects of life as murders, robberies, bullfights, political scandals, and illicit love affairs” (Cordes).

                Posada had many famous artworks such as The Folk Dance Beyond the Grave, Calavera of Don Quixote, and Calavera from Oaxaca. Those are just a few of the pieces that he is well known for and are seen all through Mexico during the celebrations, but his most know piece is the La Catrina. It depicts a lady skeleton wearing a very fancy hat which can make you interpret that it’s a woman of higher class who has money. Even though she has money and power we are all the same in the end as under all the flesh and guts we are all skeletons. The La Catrina piece is so popular that during Dia de los Muertos you can find statues in the front of the stores and also people tend to dress up as lady Catrina. A lot of people can connect with this special piece, especially in the poverty stricken  areas of Mexico as the face issues from the Mexican upper class.

            Jose Guadalupe Posada did a lot of his work in his earlier life just for it to be recognized three years after is his death. His masterpieces connect with many people in areas that are either under a dictatorship style government or areas of poverty that don’t get the sort of income as high class individuals. It shows that every man, woman, and child are all equal. Whether that be in life or not we are all brought to the same level in death.



Tonatiuh, D. (2015). Funny Bones: Posada and His Day of the Dead Calaveras. Publishers Weekly

Bateman, T. (2016). Funny Bones: Posada and His Day of the Dead Calaveras Book Review. School Library Journal

Springer, M. (2014). Celebrate The Day of the Dead with The Classic Skeleton Art of Jose Posada. Retrieved from

Monday, December 12, 2016

"Why Kids- Now More Than Ever- Need to Learn Philosophy. Yes, Philosophy."

Our generation, and the ones behind us, we will be running everything soon. And the way i see it, honestly we are all screwed. I personally think that teaching kids philosophy would be a good thing. Make them think at an early age, keep them questioning things, keeping their small minds open to new things and ideas. You can be the smartest person alive, but if you don't even know how act in a society, act free, know generic politics and how to live, is it even worth it? If you don't question things, having new ideas new thoughts, and open mind, is it worth it? It is good to become better thinkers, to be challenged in life. Having my generation and the ones behind me to become better thinkers, and citizens.

"Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers: Liberal Arts Aren't Just for the Elite."

I can see why back then that the liberal arts was only taught to the elite. They had so much time on their hands they didn't know what else to do, so become better humans to be able to think for themselves, that is exactly what they did. But that is all changed now, anyone can study liberal arts. Just because you are not rich, or wealthy and come from a high class family, you can study the liberal arts. Literally anyone from a profession can do it, janitors, plumbers, factory workers. You can fall in love with it, and study it on your own, or maybe even go forward in life with what you felt passionate about.

"Study Liberal Arts- And Gain Power"

Everyone is so worried trying to be the best in certain fields, because they think that is where the most recognition is. Of course there will be tons in the STEM fields, but it is also a lot harder to be in those fields. STEM fields are important yes, but so are the liberal arts, the English, the history. You become a better human, and citizen when you study the liberal arts and humanities. People always devalue the liberal arts and humanities, because it doesn't make enough money, or it isn't in the top few majors for colleges. Well it would be if people actually give them a chance. Great politicians like Obama had a degree in the liberal arts. It isn't just about art, or English, etc. It is about growing as a person, and helping the country grow as a whole to make it better.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Republic

In book VII of Plato's The Republic the main theme revolves around Socrates's allegory of the cave. Socrates is telling a story of people who live in this cave and can not see anything other than what is directly in front of them. The shadows of these people are all that the prisoners behind them can see so that is all they believe in. One prisoner finally sees another person and it dramatically changes everything he believes in. Because he breaks out of the cave, he eventually discovers that there is an entire world around him that he had no idea about. Socrates relates this concept to education in that all people should be brought out of "the cave."

"The Value Of The Arts"

In this article there is a big debate on whether the arts are of great value or not. Most people just think that art anything is not really a important thing. However, it can define someone. If you think about it most people do not like general education things. Some people only have music and other types of art in their life. For example, a painter would not like to settle with only a science class unless he could just get ideas about the planet to paint. The arts are very important because they also provide an outlet for creativity. Without them, there would be no great paintings or music in the world.

"About Art"

This article is all about art. There are many, many different kinds of art and can come in many shape and forms. Art, like us, has changed over the years and still to this day continues to evolve. But what I found most interesting about this article was the various personal perspectives of each artist. Many people can go and look at art but not many can say they know the meaning behind it or what the artist was thinking when they came up with the idea.

"The Power Of Man"

This is another excerpt from Hobbes. Except this time it is discussing the power of man. Hobbes goes through a list of "powers" one can have. From honor to success or nobility to popularity they all are considered a force and power. These all are powers that can already be given or if not already given they can be obtained. All of these powers according to Hobbes can and will get society very far in life. I believe in this as well.

About Art

This article recognizes the debate over what are really is. Art itself is described in many ways and an ever-changing concept. The article goes on to describe the ways in which art has changed throughout the centuries and how artists have evolved with it. Maraviglia interview several artists in the duration of her work to better encompass the processes behind each concept of art. The meaning of art, its evolution, modern technology regarding art, contemporary and modern art, and the thoughts that inspire art works are only a few of the topics that she touches on in her article. To me, this was a very interesting read because I enjoyed the personal perspective of multiple artists obtained with each interview.

The Value of the Arts

This article addresses the debate over the value of the arts. Many people see the arts as self-serving that make better-rounded people, however they do not seem to believe that they benefit society. These people are not considering the public "spillover" of these benefits. When people become well-rounded, educated people they are capable of much more action and offer a broader contribution to their societies. One key factor of people partaking in arts and art education is that they become better able to form social bonds with other people. This allows people to come together and combine their strengths which increases the power of the community. Hobbes addressed this specifically in the precious article. The list of benefits of the arts is, by no means a short one and is entirely relevant in this debate. Without the arts, we might as well rewind time to an modernized society.

The Power of Man

This article is another excerpt of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan. This section of the document discusses the nature of the power of man. According to Hobbes, power can either be "natural" or obtained. He emphasizes that collective power of men is the greatest of all, however. When man puts their strengths together for the benefit of one another, this makes a powerful community. Popularity, reputation, success, nobility, eloquence, praise, and honor are only a few of the other forces of human power that he lists. Man can obtain stance and power simply by trying to do so and Hobbes makes this clear that collective willpower can get a society very far.

"The First Part of Leviathan" Thomas Hobbes

This document argues and discusses the human state of nature. This theory is the one Hobbes believes that the government is establishes from. Hobbes believes that all men are equal just not in intelligence or strength. This is very true, some people are not meant or need to be in a position to make certain decisions. Every man, woman, and child are different in their own way. This leads Hobbes to believe that the state of nature is very harsh. He also believes there needs to be a way for man to keep himself and his personal belongings safe.

A Matter of Honor

This Article is about the honor code in schools and academic settings in general. This policy is in place to ensure that students are actually earning and learning to get their grades. Most students actually are the ones who voted this in. The honor code is also just a way to bring our morals into things. I think this is actually a good thing because this keeps people honest and learning on their own. It also keeps students own work to themselves.

Political Naturalism

This article focuses on some of Aristotle's theories. One specifically being the one about city-state politics. Miler says that Aristotle believed that mankind can not survive alone. He also points out  that Aristotle believes in surviving in pairs due to reproduction. This argument can be backed up with the evidence of today. We as humans seek out a mate to live with and reproduce. Humans typically don't want to live by themselves. This principal of the State of Nature has been and will always be a controversial topic.

"Why We Should Teach Philosophy to Kids"

This article, "Why We Should Teach Philosophy to Kids" it is said that philosophy should be taught to children at an early age. Strauss argues that if we teach this was of thinking to children early then they will grow up to think better. I find this idea to be fascinating. I can also see where she's coming from. if children are taught this early on then we would have smarter, better thinkers in the generations to come which leads to endless possibilities.

"What Every Student Should Know" Charles McGrath

This article points out that not only should the general studies be looked at and not taken lightly. Yes, it is important to have general classes be important such as math and science. But it is also important to have the arts and have humanities. These classes help students more so than you would think as it gives them a way to expand their creativity and find what they are passionate about. Believe it or not most people don't find math and science to be so great that's what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Liberal arts is the one outlet that gives students a chance to expand past just general studies and find themselves in another academic standpoint.
Carlysle Funk
Invasion of the Body Snatchers

The story Invasion of the Body Snatchers is told by one of the main characters who is a Mr. Miles Bennett. Dr. Bennett is the optimistic person of the group because he refuses to believe that something is actually up with people. Everyone in this town thinks that they are just under a delusion and it is perfectly okay. Turns out that it was actually aliens that have made copies of the original people and let the clone live the originals life. The aliens aren’t doing this in an invasion way they are doing it in defense because they are actually just afraid and doing this in a defensive way. 
 In my opinion, this book was very good for when it was written. The idea that for once the aliens fear humans and are not just invading is a good change to be able to see. That is to me what this book focuses on most because it states it in different ways that the pod creatures are just afraid and doing this in defense to survive.

 Also, in this book Dr. Bennett is the one who tries to warn everyone that the people that they thought they knew were actually just clones that the pod creatures copied. He even realizes that his own wife is being taken from him slowly along with his friends. This is of course after he finally sees and starts believing that something really is wrong. So then the struggle to get them all back starts getting tricky. This is kind of a traditional move that all horror/sf movies seem to follow where there is always that one person that doesn’t believe is always in denial and doesn’t believe when they are 9/10 the best one that could actually help. So in that way and a few others it is traditional.
 Another reason I enjoyed this book so well is that also it is not just a shoot em’ up movie. Usually now a days if there is an alien movie then as soon as the humans see them they are afraid and some fight but in this one it is the aliens that are afraid of the humans.

 Humans in this book value their pride and want their family and friends back and will not stop at any cost to get them back. They also find out that after they duplicate everything they will then just live out their lives and after they die then just move on to a different planet because they cannot reproduce.

The humans are so determined to exploit the aliens to the ones who have yet to be duplicated and they continuously attempt to do this that eventually the aliens just leave. Due to their persistence and bravery to continuously. In real life  that’s how we would like to react if that was to ever happen but more than half of us would just run and hide.


 Finney, Jack. Invasion of the Body Snatchers. New York, NY: Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1998. Print.
Carlysle Funk
Freshman Seminar

Wang Guangyi: 1990-2007 The Great Criticism series 

In the beginning Wang’s parents had a big influence on how he saw things. Wang’s dad worked for the railroad so he provided a way for Wang to travel and see different scenery (Reasoning With Idols: Wang Guangyi). Wang says. “During my childhood I grew up under the sunshine of Mao” (Reasoning With Idols: Wang Guangyi). He was very much obsessed and intrigued by Mao and started painting his head (Reasoning With Idols: Wang Guangyi). 
 Wang Guangyi painting “Great Criticism Series- Andy Warhol” actually was apart of the Chinese contemporary art that set records for the price it sold for (Chinese Contemporary Art sets Record Prices).  “He is also known as the leader of the New Art Movement” (Widewalls. “Wang Guangyi”). His most known piece is the Great Criticism in which he takes things from the Cultural Revolution and combines them with logos in advertisements (Widewalls. “Wang Guangyi”). Wang believed that this was two forms of brainwashing (Widewalls. “Wang Guangyi”). To the right you will see an example of his work and one of my personal favorite because he incorporated Disney in it. As you can see he takes a random brand with no specific connection and copies in his own way a serious picture from the Cultural Revolution. I think he is very brave and intelligent for doing this and specifically this way. He stated that these were ways to brainwash the public and he is right. The brands automatically attract people as it did me. Then after he has people looking at the actual picture they realize that suddenly there is a different, more serious meaning behind it. In the above picture the three men standing are actually from a whole other poster I would have never acknowledged if I had not seen Disney and had that draw me in.

In the above pictures you will see how they are both similar. That’s because that’s where Wang Guangyi got his idea for the people (ShanghART- Wang Guangyi). In the picture to the right it looks like there is a farmer, soldier, and maybe a railroad or a factory worker (ShanghART- Wang Guangyi). In the picture to the left I can still see the same three people just in a different way with the everyday well known BMW logo.
 To conclude, I personally think that Wang Guangyi was a genius for his 1990-2007 The Great Criticism series, paintings. I really enjoyed looking at all his paintings as art is something I am genially interested in.

Works Cited

Chiu, Caroline. "Chinese Contemporary Art Sets Record Prices." (n.d.): n. pag. Academic Search Complete [EBSCO]. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.
Cohen, Andrew. "Reasoning With Idols: Wang Guangyi."
"ShanghART- Wang Guanyi." ShanghART- Wang Guanyi. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.
"Reasoning With Idols: Wang Guangyi." (2001): 77-79. Academic Search Complete [EBSCO]. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.
Widewalls. "Wang Guangyi." WideWalls. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

"Study Libral Arts and Gain Power"

In this article it is discussed that due to politicians and people who don't even take the time to understand it, are degrading liberal arts diplomas. Liberal arts diplomas make a better, well rounded student. A lot of great leaders even have liberal arts diplomas. If these continue to dwindle off I'm not sure exactly what will happen.

Political Naturalism

This article is a review of Aristotle's theory on the city-state and politics. One of his main ideas that Miler points out is that Aristotle believed human beings to be so weak in fact that they could not survive alone, but in pairs. Because man and woman came together solely for the purpose of reproduction, the idea of a "household" arose. As more households emerge in clusters, villages are formed and then there is a community. Because humans are not self-sufficient but are extremely political, they live as a whole. This is a major argument of Aristotle in his writings concerning his view on the principal State of Nature.

A Matter of Honor

This article reviews some of the opinions and repercussions of breaking honor code in regard to academic settings. Many students believe the honor code to be of most importance and have voted in its favor. This is, as Abramson points out, due to the concern with students cheating and not actually earning the grades they are given. Abiding by the honor code however, is more than just getting a decent grade in a difficult class. It is upholding one's own morals in that students should be held accountable when they are morally incorrect. I, along with a majority of college students, would readily vote in favor of maintaining a strict honor code because it keeps students responsible for themselves and their own works.

Thomas Hobbes, The First Part of Leviathan

Thomas Hobbes Leviathan is a very important document in which he discusses his theory of the human state of nature. This excerpt is only the first part of the document, however it is important because it introduces the reader to the general concept of the document. Hobbes believed that every man was equal in a sense, but not of strength or intelligence. For reasons such as these, Hobbes believed the State of Nature to be harsh and somewhat violent wherein man needs some way to secure himself and his belongings. This is the theory that Hobbes believed establishment of government to be founded on and that is what makes this such an important document for all Americans.

"Why I Teach Plato To Plumbers"

The article "Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers" expresses the meaning of a liberal arts education. The article states that the point of education isn't just getting rich. It is actually in the material itself. I think it is very good to have a degree to actually make me different instead of like every other person. This ties into what the meaning of liberal arts actually is.

"Buisness and the Liberal Arts" By Bronfman

A lot of people like to discuss whether or not having a liberal arts degree is better than a regular degree. in this article Liberal arts importance is discussed. A liberal arts degree would certainly make you a better writer than most. It also in some peoples eyes makes you a well rounded student with a better understanding of things not just your major.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Business and the Liberal Arts" By: Bronfman

No matter what degree, or profession that you want to go into to you should get a liberal arts degree. It will help you more than you think. You can have degrees in the profession that you want, but having a liberal arts degree you might go farther that you think. You would have better communication skills, writing, talking, better thinking, yo can name it. Liberal arts degrees are not looked at often because the jobs are not enough pay, or whatever the excuse is at the time. You will get a new way of thinking, new way of looking at life.

What Every Student Should Know By: Charles McGrath

A college education is something serious. It is a students future, it shouldn't be looked at lightly. Most colleges don't want to teach a lot of the liberal arts, the look at the core classes, like math and sciences. Yes there should be a general education when it comes to colleges, but also in there students need to fit in the classes for their majors and minors. Students should be able to explore during classes, take whatever ones that they want to see if they can find their calling. Let them take arts, and humanities classes, they will most likely learn more about them selves, and the world once they do. The math and science programs are important, all the programs are. So we need to treat them equally instead of pushing certain one on students.

Mary Blair

Mary Blair
Dr. Eric Smith
Hensel Mullins

            Mary Blair was an American artist who was extremely important in producing art and animation for The Walt Disney Company. Mary Blair had drawn many concept arts for extremely well known films such as Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Song of the South and Cinderella. Blair is credited with the color scheme for "it's a small world". All in all her unique, amazing sense of color can be found in almost all of her paintings.
            Mary Blair worked as a sketch artist on multiple projects already in process. Although she was able to experiment artistically, Mary Blair quickly became bored and frustrated with the work.  There were many reasons for her frustration.  One reason stemmed from the fact that she continuously joined projects already past the planning stages and into concept production.  Unlike her free spirited watercolors, she was forced to paint a preconceived creative notion opposed to being an actual part of the initial designs and ideas.  Furthermore, she was not her own boss and worked under multiple veteran Disney artists. Due to this, her work did not look like that of one artist with a firm creative voice, but that of various artists.
Disenchanted, Mary Blair resigned to return home and work on her water colors while her husband continued employment with the company.  However, despite her short time at the studios, her beautifully moody sketches resonated with Walt Disney and he soon handpicked Mary Blair to be one of the artists to accompany him on his Goodwill South American tour.  Mary Blair jumped at the opportunity for travel and just three months after her resignation was rehired by the Walt Disney Company.
The Goodwill South American tour was quite fortuitous for Mary Blair and played a pivotal point in her future as an artist. It was on this trip that Mary Blair’s artwork flourished with the vibrant colors of her tropical surroundings and unexpected, thought provoking color combinations. Mary Blair utilized her watercolors but also reached for charcoals, gouache, and black backgrounds which further enriched her works with layers of bright colors.  For many Disney fans familiar with Mary’s work, it can be said that during this fruitful period, her true artistic voice began to resonate.
Finally, Blair's witty, childlike and utterly charming style is clearly reflected in the theatrical sceneries. The buildings seem to be collages, made of colored paper that comes in a standard set of colors and shapes. And for the first time, Mary Blair found her place within the Walt Disney organization. Not only did she get to work on a film from the very beginning it was also her own artistic boss. The very things she longed for during her first employ.

Works Cited
Boy, Fan. The Life behind the Color: A Brief Biography of Mary Blair. 19 Mar. 2014,
Albers, Josef. Designing "it's a small world". 31 Oct. 2012,

"Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers"

“Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers” explains the meaning of a liberal arts education. It is not to make yourself as wealthy as possible, for you would be missing the point of an education “worthy of free men.” It is considered greatly beneficial to have an education that helps expand your mind and create a new idea of learning within yourself. These arts are not considered inclusive to those who are considered to be in intellectual fields, but is also important to blue collar workers and other laborers as it gives them the ability to think for themselves and fulfill the meaning of the liberal arts.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"Study Liberal Arts -- and Gain Power"

The article “Study Liberal Arts – and Gain power” talks of how dramatically the amount of degrees in the liberal arts has dropped dramatically and how it is always being demoted by politicians and others who don’t understand it. The liberal arts help create leaders and shows them how the world works, which is evident from those exceptional leaders who have sought an education in the liberal arts. I believe it is a choice that will ultimately decide our country’s fate. 

"Business and the Liberal Arts"

In the article “Business and the Liberal Arts,” the importance of a liberal arts education is discussed. Not only can you prepare for your designated major of choice, but you are also prepared for more than just that. A liberal arts education is much more than taking classes for your major, but it helps you become an individual with a well-rounded education and I believe this helps benefit you in your career of choice and life in general. This article hits spot on with why a liberal arts degree is much more than just a degree.

Why We Should Teach Philosophy to Kids

In her article, Strauss emphasizes why Philosophy should be introduced to children at an early age. She does not necessarily mean the type of old-school philosophy that we inspired the Greeks or Romans, but the idea of philosophical thought. This, according to Strauss, will allow children to develop into well-composed citizens and thinkers. This type of philosophy gives kids the skills needed to arrange concepts into actions and debates. If we build up Americans from an early age, we build a string nation of connected and educated citizens.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Arshile Gorky

The Life of Arshile Gorky

Arshile Gorky, earlier known as Vosdanik Adoyan was an Armenian-American painter who was born in Van, Turkey circa April 15, 1904 and died in Sherman, Connecticut on July 21, 1948. He began his work in his early 20s and his work was centralized around Expressionism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism. He used his works as a way of reflecting on his traumatic past during a time when the Ottoman Turks committed genocide on the Armenian people. Gorky was mainly a self-taught painter, but after moving to the United States at the age of 15, he went to the New School of Design in Boston around the age of 17 and continued his enrollment to the age of 19. It wasn’t until later when the artist moved to New York that he achieved fame.

I.           Gorky’s Early Childhood

Gorky grew up during a time where the Armenians were persecuted and threatened by Genocide. During this time, he experienced one of his most tragic losses when his mother died of starvation in 1919.In 1908, before the genocide of the Armenians, Gorky’s father dodged the Turkish military draft by going to the United States where he lived in Rhode Island. Left with no parents to look after him and take care of him, Gorky joined his father in the United States in 1920.

II.        Artistic Training

Before moving to the United States, Gorky was mainly a self-taught artist. His enrollment in artistic schools in Boston and New York contributed to his success. After his enrollment in the National Academy of Design and the Grand Central School of Art, Gorky decided to change his name to avoid the negative perception of Armenians by the American people. Gorky found most of his inspiration from famous artists such as Pablo Picasso and Joan Mirรณ. His early style consisted mainly of Cezanne landscapes to a more experimental painting of the surface which was inspired by the Cubism of Picasso and other less-known painters.

III.      An Emerging Artist

During the 1930s, Gorky was beginning to gain recognition from both the public and other artists. Beginning in 1930, he participated in a group show that gave emerging artists a chance to give themselves a name. A year later in 1931, Gorky had the chance of experiencing his very first solo exhibition of his works at an art gallery in Philadelphia. During the mid to late 30s, Gorky worked in a program called the Federal Art Project. This program was put into place by the government to give artists work during the Great Depression. In 1938, while working under this project, Gorky held his first solo showing at the Boyer Galleries in New York. Although he was beginning to gain national recognition for his paintings, the artist switched his style of art in a completely different direction in 1940. He began to paint using the style and ideas of Surrealism. In a biography by Charles Moffat, he explains that at the end of the 1920s and into the 1930s he experimented with Cubism, eventually moving to Surrealism. His aim was never to imitate the work of others however, but to learn their from their aesthetic ideas and then evolve beyond it” (Moffat 2007).  Gorky’s inspiration for making such changes can be traced to the immigration of European artists during the late 30s and early 40s. Artists such as Erwin Panofsky, Max Ernst, and Andre Breton were all key artists in inspiring Gorky in changing his path.  The emergence of this style of painting in America paved way for a different style  that later became known as Abstract Expressionism. As said in an article about Arshile Gorky, “Gorky pioneered the trend of naming his abstract compositions with titles directly referring to particular objects and places, thus fusing objective reality and subjective feeling in his works” (“The Art Story,” n.d.).

IV.      Gorky’s Later Years

Although Gorky earned his fame after years of hard work, his later years would only end in tragedy. In 1941, he married a woman by the name of Agnes Magruder who was 20 years younger than he was. After 5 years of marriage, tragedy struck when Gorky’s art studio in Connecticut burned to the ground destroying nearly all of his works. Adding onto this loss, Gorky was diagnosed with cancer only a month later. After his diagnosis, it was soon found that his wife, Agnes, was having an affair with fellow artist, Robert Matta. After their breakup, his wife relocated to a different area and even took their children with her. To make his situation even worse, Gorky was involved in a car accident that only added mores stress to his life and his health. After having dealt with problem after problem, it ultimately led to the artists suicide on July 21, 1948 by hanging himself in his Connecticut home. In an article by William Feaver, he states that “Gorky, dead at 46 (or maybe he was only 44: dates vary), died at the time when he stood as good a chance as any of being singled out as the greatest living painter in the land” (Feaver 2010). This statement shows the amount of influence that Gorky had over the art of his time. He was arguably the greatest artist of his time.

Works Cited
2016. “Arshile Gorky.” (November 16, 2016).
Feaver, William. 2010. “The mysterious art of Arshile Gorky.” (November 29, 2016).
Moffat, Charles. 2007. “The Art History Archive – Abstract Expressionism.” (December 2007).