Monday, December 12, 2016

"Study Liberal Arts- And Gain Power"

Everyone is so worried trying to be the best in certain fields, because they think that is where the most recognition is. Of course there will be tons in the STEM fields, but it is also a lot harder to be in those fields. STEM fields are important yes, but so are the liberal arts, the English, the history. You become a better human, and citizen when you study the liberal arts and humanities. People always devalue the liberal arts and humanities, because it doesn't make enough money, or it isn't in the top few majors for colleges. Well it would be if people actually give them a chance. Great politicians like Obama had a degree in the liberal arts. It isn't just about art, or English, etc. It is about growing as a person, and helping the country grow as a whole to make it better.

1 comment:

  1. Study Liberal Arts And Gain Power

    STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and math. are the four fathers of our generation. As we notice other subject like liberal arts and humanities are declining. Society is not interested in these subject when they should be. In the article one man said these Arts can save the world.I don't know for a complete fact but I do believe we would be a better country with liberal Arts in Humanities at the four front of our education.
