Monday, December 12, 2016

"Why Kids- Now More Than Ever- Need to Learn Philosophy. Yes, Philosophy."

Our generation, and the ones behind us, we will be running everything soon. And the way i see it, honestly we are all screwed. I personally think that teaching kids philosophy would be a good thing. Make them think at an early age, keep them questioning things, keeping their small minds open to new things and ideas. You can be the smartest person alive, but if you don't even know how act in a society, act free, know generic politics and how to live, is it even worth it? If you don't question things, having new ideas new thoughts, and open mind, is it worth it? It is good to become better thinkers, to be challenged in life. Having my generation and the ones behind me to become better thinkers, and citizens.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to say it but as the generations seem to progress the more small minded i feel our generations is becoming so teaching philosophy would not be a bad idea. And I thought Neumann was genius when he said "The kind of philosophy I have in mind helps kids become better citizens by turning the classroom into what the philosopher John Dewey called “embryonic society.” I think that brilliant we should pick at the minds of our younger brains for they are the future.
